High school students do poorly in math

Everyone struggles with some subject in high school. But it's almost a consensus among all classes that she is one of the biggest villains on the bulletin: the mathematics. A recent study based on the results of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb) evaluated the 2021 results and brought scary results. Spoiler: it's worse than previous years.

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Saeb data showed that 95% of public school students in Brazil finished their studies with inadequate learning in mathematics. That is, only 5% of all students are prepared and managed to absorb what they should of the discipline.

This means that only this small percentage of students finish the 3rd year knowing how to solve problems using probability or the Pythagorean Theorem.

Mathematics learning has worsened in recent years

In 2019, we had a slightly better result: 7% of students had knowledge assessed as adequate in mathematics.

According to Ernesto Faria, director of Interdisciplinarity and Evidences in the Educational Debate (Iede), mathematics depends much more on the school than the Portuguese language, for example. "A readingyou can live outside the school environment, the family can help more”, he explained in an interview with Exame.

According to him, the pandemic may have been one of those responsible for the delay in taking advantage of the discipline. In remote teaching, he underlined, few families are concerned and check whether their children are actually watching a trigonometry class on the computer.

In addition, there is the social factor. As much as technology is more widespread, not all public school students can afford a computer, tablet or smartphone to follow a class.

Portuguese language

The results in Portuguese were better than those in Mathematics, but they are still below average. Only 33.1% have adequate knowledge of the discipline. In 2019, the percentage was 34%.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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