Patristic of the post-Nissenic period of the Athenian systematic Neoplatonic school, considered the last representative of Neoplatonism and head of that academy, founded by Plutarch of Athens (~350 - 420) and consolidated by his disciple Sirian of Alexandria and of which Proclus Diadocus (412-485) was its maximum exponent. He wrote many books and his main remaining work was entitled Problems and Solutions on the First Principle, where he deals with the mystical union of the human soul with the Divine Life. He was still in his post when Emperor Flavius Justinian (483-565) closed the Academy (529), decreeing, in the outside world, the end of the glorious School Neoplatonic, however its splendid message survived through secret channels, re-emerging, in its new incarnation, as the foundation of the Society Theosophical (1875). From an indefinite place of both birth and death.
Source: Biographies - Academic Unit of Civil Engineering / UFCG
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