Discover 4 bans imposed on women in the Taliban

O taliban is a fundamentalist group of the Islam religion, being initially formed by students who had and defended a more radical and rigid view of the Quran. This group returned to power in Afghanistan in mid-2021, and since then, it has banned women from carrying out various activities. Look what the Taliban banned women from doing.

See too: North Korea: check out 5 things that are banned in the country

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The prohibitions that set back the country

Afghanistan has taken short but significant steps since 2001, when the Taliban were expelled from the country. At the time, the Ministry of Women's Affairs was created, through which, through a lot of struggle, there was more freedom for women to study, work and even not wear the veil.

However, after the Taliban's return to the country on August 15, 2021, the scenario of freedom for women has receded. quite significantly, even though the group had stated that it would not withdraw the rights won by the women. Find out below some of the current prohibitions.

1 – Travel without the company of a man

Women cannot travel long distances (over 72 kilometers) alone. They need to be accompanied by a man who is her husband or demonstrably close relative.

2 – Play sports

The country's culture commission has banned women from playing cricket, a very popular sport in the country, as it considers exposing their bodies and faces to be inappropriate. This led many girls to give up the game and other sports due to fear of suffering any kind of reprisal.

3 – Work

According to the logic of the Taliban, women cannot work, in order to guarantee their safety within their homes. However, this leads to a giant return of the government and the country's economy, since they together represented more than 20% of workers in the country, and their absence from the labor market leads to a loss of up to 1 billion dollars.

4 – Study

In addition to work, the Taliban is against the study of women, prohibiting young women from studying from the 6th year of education. They were also banned from attending high school and had several restrictions on access to college.

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