The startup, Trocaphoneknown for buying cell phones old, repair them and resell them below the market price, has a somewhat curious novelty. Now it is possible to sell your cell phone without much bureaucracy, just deposit it in a machine and wait for the amount to be received in exchange.
Curious, isn't it? Keep reading and understand more about this innovation.
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“shopping machine” to buy cell phones
The idea of startup is that people can sell their cell phones in a practical way and in a safe place, in the mall. Thus, two machines were inaugurated in the state of São Paulo, with the objective of receiving 10,000 cell phones per month.
The initiative has a sustainability It is economy, as the improper disposal of electronic devices can harm the environment. Also, it's a little extra money on that cell phone that sometimes was just to be discarded.
The machines are only available in the state of São Paulo. Located at Carrefour de Pinheiros and Shopping Bourbon. If you are interested in using it, you must register in advance with identification and data of the model being discarded.
How the Trocafone machine works
The curiosity of many is in the way in which the Trocafone machine operates. Well, it is quite simple, the main thing, however, is the condition of the device. In this context, after registration it is necessary to inform the IMEI, clean the cell phone screen and remove any accessory present in the device.
Next, the device must be connected to the machine to perform an analysis of the operating system and software. This is the central part, because it is from there that the faults present in the cell phone will be detected.
After that, other questions will be asked to analyze the external conditions of the device. Finally, the machine stipulates a price for the device and if the user agrees, the money is deposited via Pix in the user's bank account.
In addition, the machine also accepts those devices that are only for recycling. With a fixed amount of R$20.00 on them.