Most anticipated events: World Cup and Black Friday are coming

The two most anticipated events of the year are about to arrive. Yes, we are talking about Black Friday and the World Cup. In a survey conducted by Nielsen with Toluna, it was seen that 65% of consumers are interested in football. About 2,000 Brazilians – of both sexes – who are internet users were interviewed.

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Of this amount, approximately 65.5% of those who intend to buy a product on Black Friday are football fans, while the other 87% admire the sport.

Planning for these dates is already triggering consumers' radar. A little more than half of those interviewed said that they started saving money to buy some products during the day of the event. We can also point out that 56% of them receive between two and four monthly minimum wages.

Among all the people interviewed, 62% already have the habit of buying products or services on Black Friday. Within this same group, about 58% are aged between 25 and 44 years. 53% are women. The survey has drawn some attention because three out of five women demonstrate interest in shopping for clothes and accessories on a date that is considered one of the most important for the retail.

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Among all categories, the ones that have gained the most prominence in terms of purchase intentions – which has drawn attention – is the highest average ticket. Household appliances, cellphone and fashion. These are the three biggest wishes of customers. Electronics also reappeared in the ranking, coming in fourth and fifth with notebooks or personal computers and video games, receiving 38% and 23% of purchase intentions.

Knowing this, it is quite interesting to point out that Brazilians aged between 18 and 24 make up the vast majority in the search for tablets and cell phones. They are representing 60% of the intentions. Only 6% of those who responded to the surveys said they are not interested in acquiring anything from any category of product during the Black Friday Event. Only 12% will not watch the World Cup matches either.

Another situation that is interesting to highlight, commented by Nielsen, concerns the way in which purchase intention varies between women and men. Household appliances are at the forefront of women. We are talking about 61% against 44% for men.

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