Win the lottery is the big dream of many people, however do you know what you would do if you were that lucky? Many people would buy real estate, cars, luxury goods and start businesses. However, two women in Canada had an unusual and admirable attitude when they won $ CAD 1 million: they decided to donate to charities in the region where they lived. Understand better about the case in the course of the article.
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Joann and Marlisa are two 69-year-old women, best friends, who live in the city of Orillia, Canada. Together they won 1 million Canadian dollars and had an amazing attitude.
Joann MacQueen and Marlisa Mercer were walking in the mall when they passed a lottery and decided to buy a ticket, which was drawn in July 2022 as a winning ticket. Joann still claims that she was incredulous with the award and had to enter the numbers more than once to believe the luck that appeared to them. The friends had previously decided that if one day they won the money, they would use it to do good for other people.
The noble attitude of the friends surprised many people, including the NGOs. Chris Peacock, executive director of Sharing Place, one of the NGOs helped by the friends, gave a statement that he was very surprised and he stated, “Few people earn a million dollars and have as their main objective spending it on other people and improving this situation. community".
prize division
The award was wisely divided so that it could serve more than one NGO, with different target audiences, but Joann MacQueen insists on highlighting an NGO that serves people with alcohol problems. After all, she believes that people who get treatment soon are less likely to suffer so much, including Joann recently suffered with her brother for this reason. She believes he could have been saved if he had gotten the proper treatment.
Despite emphasizing the importance of donating to an entity that helps people with alcoholism problems, the friends' help goes much further, they also donated money to hospitals; Salvation army; Animal protection projects; NGOs for low-income people.
The friends have set aside only a small portion for their own use, which they will use for renovations and divide the rest among their loved ones.