Understand now how to be more disciplined!

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Today, there is a consensus that several skills can be learned. Therefore, when someone wonders how to be more disciplined, the ideal is to get rid of guilt and understand that self-control can also be developed over time. Phil Stutz, psychiatrist and documentary author of the Netflix, talks about the topic.

A successful person is a disciplined person

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Living a happy and fulfilling life is a symptom of a disciplined mind, according to the doctor. psychiatrist Phil Stutz. However, as the subject is surrounded by myths, people usually feel guilty when they make a mistake or miss a training day at the gym.

To get away from these negative feelings, Stutz teaches what the three stages of discipline are and their relationship with a more fulfilled and fulfilling life. Being disciplined is a merit in itself, but it can be done together, involving other people as well.

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Phil also affirms the importance of understanding the need for discipline at age 27, the age at which it is possible to start the search for a more balanced and healthy routine, to adapt the body to the process of aging.

Below, check out the three discipline stages worked on by Stutz:

reactive discipline

Reactive discipline is that inner voice that tells us what to do or not to do. This intuition is perfect for seeing results.

She's there when you avoid a fight and do something without complaint, like filling an empty pitcher with water. It is an intelligent way of managing external conflicts with internal repercussions.

structural discipline

Stutz says that adding the habits of reactive discipline and incorporating them into your basic life is the creation of structural organization, which represents a new way of managing your routine.

Who has never heard the phrase that our thoughts form our actions and these actions turn into habits? It's basically the concept addressed by Stutz, which is done in stages.

Because habits are automatic and don't require a lot of thinking like brushing your teeth or drinking water, the ideal is to create healthy routines over time, because they are responsible for good habits.

expansive discipline

The last stage of discipline is the expansive one, which consists of constant growth and the attitude of stepping out of the comfort zone to keep the mind in constant learning. It must relate to an attitude of seizing opportunities and moving towards the unknown.


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