Women in the world of entrepreneurship: Reports from an expert

Although contemporary society advances — theoretically — towards a more egalitarian world, when deals with equal opportunities related to gender, such advances are shown step by step. ants. Inequalities related to the labor market become noticeable as women work in certain jobs for wages lower than what men would generally earn for the same job. function.

This factor makes low-income women, especially, seek to start their own businesses in order to build an extra income. According to data from the Data Popular institute, Brazil has 67 million mothers, 31% of whom are single and 46% are working.

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In this sense, the speech of the expert in Marketing and Communities, Adriana Walter, co-founder and partner of the startup that works with sales operations through Artificial Intelligence (AI) called HUBKN, there are some issues that contribute to these conditions, such as supplementing income, supporting the family, among others.

Another aggravating factor was the COVID-19 pandemic. Without having where to draw income from or even due to the lack of flexibility in the current job, being an entrepreneur has become a way of facing these difficulties. It is worth noting that this situation is even more serious when it comes to black women, who mostly occupy the lowest positions in the production chain.

women in entrepreneurship

Adriana points out that her role — leadership — is challenging as few women hold positions like hers in the corporate world compared to men. The specialist also points out that she faces setbacks on a daily basis, but faces them with confidence and reports that, to reach this prestigious position, she needed to dedicate herself to the fullest.

For her, women have more attention with the customer, in addition to being more affable. Another positive point is that they pay attention to the smallest details, seeking to understand every aspect that involves their work, and this can be fundamental for companies.

The expert emphasizes the need for women to understand their importance in the business world, although this is still a largely conservative environment. Finally, she highlights for women the importance of following their desires and believing in themselves, even if the world says otherwise.

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