Having fish as pets is not very common when compared to other pets. Therefore, information about them is, in a way, superficial and scarce. In this article, we separate some fun facts about fish for you who want to know a little more in general. Keep reading!
Read too: Cleaner fish: Meet the species responsible for keeping aquariums clean
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Do they drink water?
The answer to this question is somewhat complex, but it is understandable. Let's explain this issue by separating it into three parts:
- Fish do osmosis, which is basically the flow of water through different bodies/environments. Thus, it tends to move from places with a lower concentration of salts to those with a higher concentration;
- Freshwater fish have a higher concentration of salts in their body than in their environment. Therefore, water tends to enter his body naturally, so it is not necessary for him to drink water. A curious fact is that, even so, they urinate a lot throughout the day.
- Saltwater fish need to drink a lot of water. That's because your environment has a higher concentration of salts than your body, causing it to lose a lot of water. In this way, he needs to drink it to ensure balance in his organism.
Do fish sleep?
Who never got that scare when they saw the fish floating in the aquarium? This behavior is natural and, in fact, they are just “taking a nap”.
We can't call this sleep, because fish only usually disconnect for a while to rest. Thus, this “nap” is very quick and is usually interspersed with a period of wakefulness.
Can they drown?
This seems like a silly question, but the answer is yes! This can happen mainly with anabantids, such as the famous Betta fish, for example. He needs to breathe air constantly and, for that, the Betta seeks the surface. If he does not find it, he may die from various complications in his body.
Do the fish blink?
Fish do not have the ability to blink or even close their eyes because they do not have an eyelid. Because of this, many people think that fish never sleep or rest, but you've already read the answer to that question above.