Easy-to-make recipe: Meet wine sago!

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Straight from Rio Grande do Sul, sago is a traditional dessert from southern Brazil and is made from cassava starch balls and red wine.

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Because it has a high carbohydrate content, sago is great as a source of energy for the body, making it a great option for those who are in the habit of exercising. Sago is also rich in minerals, iron and calcium, which are responsible for transporting oxygen between cells and for bone formation. With this, we separate simple wine sago recipe, check out!

wine sago recipe

Wine Sago Ingredients:

  • 2 cups of sago tea
  • 3 cups of red wine tea
  • 6 cups of filtered water
  • 1 tea cup of sugar
  • 1 piece of cinnamon stick
  • 6 cloves.

Method of preparation:

In a container, hydrate the sagu with 2 cups of water and let it rest for 1 hour.

Then, in a pan, place the red wine, sugar, water, cinnamon and cloves. So, mix everything until the sugar dissolves.

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Place the pan with the above mixtures on high heat and wait for it to boil, after that add the hydrated sago and let it cook for 30 minutes or until you notice that the sago is transparent.

To prevent the sago from sticking to the bottom of the pan, stir it for a moment. After that, remove the sago from the heat and remove the cinnamon and cloves from the pan.

Transfer the sagu to a platter and let it cool at room temperature, after that, cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least two hours before serving.

Finally, the sago can be served with crème anglaise, check out how to make it.

Ingredients for the English Cream:

  • 1 tea cup of milk
  • 1 tea cup of milk cream
  • ⅔ of tea cup of sugar
  • 4 gems
  • ½ vanilla bean

In a container, place the egg yolks, 1 ⁄ 3 of the sugar and beat until you form a cream and reserve.

Then cut the vanilla bean and remove the seeds.

Then, in a saucepan, place the milk, cream and the rest of the sugar and vanilla seeds, bring to a low boil and mix everything gently.

Gradually add the egg yolk cream and cook for about 5 minutes or until the crème anglaise thickens.

Finally, remove from the heat and transfer to a platter and cover with plastic film, take to the fridge to cool, after 2 hours it is ready to serve with the wine sagu.

So, now that you know how to make this easy recipe to make wine sago. Forward to that friend of yours who would love to prepare it too.


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