Federal Government announces the creation of new vacancies for the Brazil Aid


Continue reading and check out the criteria for inclusion in the social program.

Per Texty agency
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Recently, the Federal Government announced the creation of approximately 100,000 opportunities for the inclusion of new families in the Auxílio Brasil program. The report left several Brazilians hopeful with the possibility of receiving the benefit in May.

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However, after that, there was no official confirmation about the creation of vacancies. What is known is that the model of automatic inclusion in the social program will remain. Thus, it is necessary that families who are in a situation of social vulnerability are duly registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) of the Federal Government.

Consult the approval of your Brazil Aid

Those who are interested can consult their registration status, as the Federal Government has already made available a list of new beneficiaries of the Auxílio Brasil this May. It is worth remembering that those who were part of the program in April will not necessarily continue to receive it in this new phase.

This is because the beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil are periodically analyzed by Dataprev. The purpose of this review is to verify compliance with the eligibility criteria, in order to avoid fraud and undue payments.

Check the criteria for inclusion in the social program

  • Have a family income of up to BRL 89 per person;
  • Have a family income of up to R$ 178 per person (in cases of families that have pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and/or adolescents up to 17 years of age in their composition);
  • Be duly enrolled in the CadÚnico;
  • Have updated data in CadÚnico for at least two years.
  • Children and adolescents of school age (between 6 and 15 years old) must attend classes regularly, with a maximum of 15% absences;
  • In the case of young people between 16 and 17 years old, the maximum absence allowed is 25% of classes;
  • Children under 7 years of age must have their vaccines up to date and must regularly attend a health center to monitor their growth;
  • Pregnant women should attend prenatal consultations and participate in educational activities offered by the Ministry of Health on breastfeeding and healthy eating;
  • There should be monitoring of the health of women who are 14 to 44 years old.
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