Some foods should not be eaten together; Do you know what they are?

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We grew up hearing that combining the consumption of some foods could be harmful to health, such as mango and milk. In fact, there are some foods that should not be combined because they are harmful, some can even cause the death of those who consume them, and milk is on that list. I did not know? Understand now why and what food combinations that we should avoid in everyday life.

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Be careful what you consume

A balanced diet is very important for good health, so you need to pay attention to the combination of foods and nutrients consumed. In the same way that some foods together have enhanced flavors and are beneficial, others can have the opposite effect, bringing harm to the body.

According to Indian therapy, Ayurveda, each food requires a specific digestive environment, so its consumption needs to be individual. Furthermore, it is known that the human body is capable of absorbing between 20 to 30% of ingested nutrients. Due to this, it is necessary to consider combinations and intervals that guarantee a better use of food.

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Combinations with milk that should be avoided

One of the foods very present on the table of Brazilians that can cause damage, depending on its combination, is milk. This liquid is rich in calcium, which can impair the absorption of iron because they share the same absorption channel. Its consumption with foods with excess protein, caffeine, salt, soda, butter, wheat, nuts, beans, spinach, fish and tomatoes are also not recommended.

Restrictions are related to a series of harms that can happen, such as gases, abdominal discomfort, nausea, heartburn, reflux, skin problems and even anemia. However, you don't have to cut milk out of your diet! This food can be ingested, but with attention to an interval of at least 2 hours between meals, to favor a more efficient digestion and absorption.

But what about milk and mango, are they bad when consumed together? No, this is a myth! On the contrary, because it is rich in protein, milk assists in the absorption of nutrients present in fruit, being a healthy combination!

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