According to the information given by the Agency National ofPetroleum,Gas Natural and Biofuels (ANP), currently, in Brazil, it is only worth fueling your car with ethanol in just four states of the country. In addition, it is important to check the place where you supply your car and understand what calculations must be made. Keep reading and learn more.
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Understand the relationship between ethanol and the price of gasoline
To fill your tank with ethanol, instead of gasoline, it is necessary that the price at the pumps is 70% lower than that of gasoline. In this way, if the price of ethanol is in this range, then yes, you will be doing a good deal, otherwise, continue to fill up with gasoline.
The calculation is very simple, you need to multiply the value of a liter of gasoline by 0.7. From the result found, you will analyze what is more advantageous. If the value is less than the liter of ethanol, fill it with gasoline. However, if the value is higher, opt for ethanol.
Find out which are the 4 states in Brazil where ethanol is advantageous:
Ethanol and gasoline prices are compared weekly by the ANP and, based on this comparison, reports are prepared to help drivers choose the best fuel option in the time. Until last week, ethanol was only being advantageous in the state of Paraíba.
However, now the scenario has changed again, and these are the states where it is worth filling your car with ethanol:
- Paraná (64,77%);
- Tocantins (66,29%);
- bahia (66,49%);
- Piauí (69,87%).
According to the ANP, ethanol is at parity of 76.04% in most states of the country, in relation to gasoline.
According to some experts on the subject, it is possible for ethanol to be more advantageous than gasoline with parity exceeding 70%, but it will depend on your car and the biofuel used in it. For these reasons, it is important for the driver to observe the performance of each fuel in his vehicle and draw conclusions.
The ANP also warns that it is important for drivers to be aware of the gas stations where they fill up their cars. Well, this is an average made between the gas stations in the city, some may end up charging higher values.
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