The women who invented it, but it was the men who took the credit

As you know, women have gone through many difficulties throughout history. human. Even today, in the 21st century, there are places that prohibit women from carrying out any activity or even not having access to citizenship rights. Working, going to certain places and even wearing certain clothes were activities that were constantly regulated in relation to women. Because of this, when they hardly had access to their rights, they suffered from judgments about their abilities and injustice. Therefore, today we list inventions created by women but credited to a man. Check it out now.

Read more: Curiosities: See 6 inventions that changed the world

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5 inventions that had female hands and you didn't know

Find out now which were the inventions and inventors that did not receive due credit:

computational algorithm

During the 19th century, the pioneering instructions for the first computer program appeared. The creation of Ada Lovelace was fundamental for the emergence of the computers we know today, unfortunately she didn't get the credits. Inventor and mathematician Charles Babbage, who created the actual physical part of the computer (with Ada's help), is credited.

Disposable diapers

In the old days, cloth diapers “handled” a baby's needs, however, Marion Donovan had the brilliant idea of ​​creating disposable diapers. After realizing that her child used a lot of cloth diapers, she created the diapers we know today. However, who took the credits it was Victor Mills.

Nuclear physics

Nuclear physics does not have a father, but a mother. Chien-Shiung Wu was responsible for presenting the first proof that disproved the Law of Parity. However, his work was neglected and ended up being uncredited.

way of the moon

Who doesn't know the famous photo of the man on the moon? Well, it was thanks to Katherine Johnson that the arrival of objects and/or people sent by humans to the moon was successfully carried out. Despite being an excellent mathematician, Katherine was not recognized by her colleagues at NASA and everything she did was not given due importance.

hair board

Widely used by them today, the hair straightener is also a female invention. Ada Harris was the one who invented it, however, Marcel Grateau was the one who took the credit.

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