The Crisis of Patriarchy

The landscape of today's families has changed in relation to male authority and their responsibility as provider of livelihood and decision-maker. This change in the configuration of the "family hierarchy" occurred mainly due to the high number of In broken marriages, mothers usually stay with their children and thus assume the "head" of the House.
Other factors have caused the dissolution of the family, such as the percentage of births occurring outside marriage. In the United States, the number of children who live with only one parent reach about 25% of the population.
There has been a sharp increase in the number of people living alone, not counting the expansion of same-sex marriages.
From these considerations, an evolution in the configuration of families can be seen, where the man is no longer the head, in some countries the traditional hierarchical family model has become restricted to a minority of the family. population.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Curiosities - geography - Brazil School

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "The Crisis of Patriarchalism"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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