King Louis XV of France

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French king (1715-1774) born at the Palace of Versailles, son of Louis, Duke of Bourgogne and Marie-Adelaide of Savoy, great-grandson of Louis XIV, whose reign it was characterized by the struggle of the court factions and the failures of foreign policy, which affected the prestige of the crown and helped to prepare the revolution. republican (1789).

He inherited the throne directly from his great-grandfather because of the untimely deaths of his grandfather and father, and took over the government when he came of age (1723), receiving power at the hands of Philip II, Duke of Orléans. He married Mary Leszczynska, daughter of Stanislas I, dethroned king of Poland, which led France to fight Austria and Russia in the Polish Succession War (1733-1738). During the disastrous Seven Years War (1756-1763) against Great Britain and Prussia, he allied with Austria.

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With the defeat he lost most of his American and Asian colonies, and France lost all French influence in Eastern Europe after the first partition of Poland (1772), and the king fell into disrepute with his subjects, beginning the first moves towards the outbreak of the famous French revolution (1789).

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For most of his reign he kept mistresses who had great influence in the government, such as the Marquise de Vintimille and the celebrated Marquise de Pompadour. He died of smallpox in the same palace where he was born. Historically, his government was also marked by the great development in decorative art, the famous Louis XV style.

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Source: Biographies - Academic Unit of Civil Engineering / UFCG

Order R - Biography - Brazil School

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "King Louis XV of France"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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