Numerology: know what your DATE of birth says about you

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The day of your birth is not just any date. Based on her, we were able to understand more about her way of seeing life and how her life developed. personality. Want to understand how it works numerology in our psychological construction? It is necessary, first of all, to make some arrangements.

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All birthdays are categorized into a single string of 9 groups. For example, if you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, your personality traits will show up in individuals who share the 1st cluster. To learn more about the subject and understand which one you fit in, read the material we brought.

Numerology points to the link between date of birth and personality

Group 1: born on 1, 10, 19, 28

If some of these numbers match your birthday, regardless of the month, then you have a controlling profile, as you like things at your own pace. It is precisely for this reason that it is so well suited to leadership positions. Although he is a reserved person, from the moment he allows himself to meet new people, he becomes naive. In addition to liking action and practicality, he prefers to keep things very clear.

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Group 2: born on 2, 11, 20, 29 

You have a habit of attributing emotional factors to your activities.

It is for this reason that he leaves his emotions exposed at times, such as, for example, watching a movie. You have confidence and value what you feel, but you won't always be able to express it. Your personality is well suited to positions that require you to take care of things or people.

Group 3: born on 3, 12, 21, 30 

In these people, spirituality is the main protagonist. In social life, they have the ability to communicate and help others with good advice. They are always willing to learn new things and apply them in a practical way to their lives. Another aspect is the smooth development of financial matters. No wonder it does so well in activities involving the stock exchange or money management in a more general way.

Group 4: born on 4, 13, 22, 31

Its main feature is intellectuality and intelligence. You love to enjoy life actively and enjoy adventures. Idleness is not something you like. Likes to solve problems in a light way. A good job for your profile is, in fact, almost anyone in science and technology, as you are good at mathematical calculations and physics.

Group 5: born on 5, 14, 23 

The characteristics referring to these dates are calm and joy, in addition to the balance between emotional and rational. Make the most of every moment of happiness experienced. When you have a focus, you don't measure efforts to achieve your goal. Likes to use creativity. That's why you don't adapt to certain jobs that tie you to a routine. Whenever possible, seek the spotlight and stand out by calling everyone's attention. Glamorous material things please you, especially clothes, cars, purses and houses.

Group 6: born on 6, 15, 24

You focus on appearance and everything that involves your lifestyle. He appreciates luxury and everything he can buy the most extravagant. People these days are socially savvy and know how to build good connections. They are people who love to travel. This mainly motivates the choice of career. You just need to be careful, because leadership is not your strong point due to the lack of financial discipline in your life.

Group 7: born on 7, 16, 25 

People born on these days tend to be more closed off both spiritually and personally. One of his favorite moments is being together with his family. You are always looking for something new. That's why the research area suits your profile well, as well as your calm and productive mind would help you in management positions.

Group 8: born on 8, 17, 26 

Decision making is yours skills. He dedicates himself to what he is ready to do and likes practicality. The entrepreneurship area is a good option for you, as it manages to turn ideas into achievements. In addition to being responsible and concerned about his health, he is a person who demonstrates more maturity than his age indicates.

Group 9: born on 9, 18, 27 

He has a big heart, values ​​feelings and appreciates family moments. With goals set, simply move forward to achieve them. Leadership is a role that suits you well. Something that, added to your entrepreneurial skills, gives a great result in the long term. Invest!

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