How much does a Military Police officer make?

Well, in principle, there is no single answer to this question. This is because each state has autonomy to establish this value.

However, it is possible to know the initial salaries of each of the states. This is because, in addition to salary tables, corporations often issue public tender notices to carry out new effective hires.

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The values ​​below are based on the most recent notices issued by military corporations in all Brazilian states. However, they are only an estimate, since the bodies usually undergo salary adjustments on a regular basis.

In the information referring to most states, the value is in accordance with the salary at the end of the training course.

Another important piece of information is that they only comprise basic wages. Benefits are different between states, but generally include meal allowance, bonus for risky activity, paid overtime, premium for length of service, among others.

In some states, for example, benefits and bonuses are capable of doubling the basic salary.

How much does a military police officer earn in Acre?

The Acre Military Police published a public notice for soldiers for the last time in 2017, and for officers in 2015. For soldiers, this amount will be paid at the end of the training course.

For officers, the public notice refers to the amount paid for 1st year students of the Officer Training Course (CFO). It is worth remembering that this value is progressive and increases at the end of the course and after the probationary period.

See what salaries were offered:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,319.12
  • Official Student - BRL 3,796.74

How much does a Military Police Officer make in Alagoas?

Alagoas last opened a contest for a Military Police soldier in 2017. At the time, the document offered the following remuneration after the end of the training period:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,522.88
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 6,420.51

The value of the salary for Aspirants is based on the value in effect from 2015, present in the PM AL salary realignment table, published in the Official Gazette of February 5, 2014.

How much does a military police officer earn in Amapá?

In 2017, the Military Police of Amapá held an event to hire soldiers and officers. According to the announcement, after the training course the salaries are as follows:

  • Soldier - BRL 4,568.68
  • Official - BRL 3,759.31

How much does a military police officer earn in Amazonas?

The Military Police of Amazonas last held a tender in 2011, so currently the values ​​are out of date in relation to the public notice. In 2017, the state governor announced readjustments for security areas.

As a result, PM servers now have the salaries below.

  • Soldier - BRL 3,778.00
  • Officer - BRL 5,400.00

The values ​​refer to the initial earnings after the respective training courses.

How much does a Military Police Officer make in Bahia?

The state of Bahia is among the states with the worst salaries for the Military Police. The last public notices were opened in 2017, offering vacancies for soldiers and officers, with the following salaries:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,585.05
  • Official – BRL 2,157.95 (referring to the 3rd year of the CFO)

For officers, the public notice only includes amounts paid up to the third year of the Officer Training Course (CFO). If approved, already at the rank of Aspiring Officer, they receive a higher salary and after the probationary period, at the rank of 1st Lieutenant, there is a new salary increase.

How much does a military police officer earn in Ceará?

With public notice open for the last time in 2016, for those approved in the Training Course, the Military Police of Ceará offered the following remuneration:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,134.58
  • Official - BRL 4,121.78

How much does a military police officer earn in the Federal District?

As previously mentioned, the amount that pays the salaries of the Military Police of the Federal District comes from the Union. He is, therefore, among the best placed. Its last public notices were published in 2017 and 2018.

  • 1st Class Soldier – BRL 5,245.41
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 11,894.25

How much does a Military Police officer make in Espírito Santo?

In Espírito Santo, according to the public notices published in June 2018, at the end of the training course the salaries will be as follows:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,778.43
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 5,823.07

According to the document, the amounts refer to the gross total with optional benefits.

How much does a Military Police officer make in Goiás?

Goiás opened effective vacancies for PM careers in 2016. According to the edict, those approved should have the starting salaries below.

  • 3rd Class Soldier – BRL 1,500.00
  • Cadet - BRL 5,401.43

How much does a military police officer earn in Maranhão?

In Maranhão, the last call for tenders for the Military Police was published in 2017. Vacancies were intended for Soldier and 1st Lieutenant PM (various specialties). Check out the salaries offered after the training period:

  • Soldier - BRL 4,019.62
  • 1st Lieutenant – BRL 6,913.74

How much does a military police officer earn in Mato Grosso?

The new salary table for the Military Police of Mato Grosso came into force in April 2018. Now, according to the document, the initial salaries of PM MT are as follows:

  • Level 1 Soldier - BRL 4,639.19
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 11,597.93

How much does a military police officer earn in Mato Grosso do Sul?

The salaries of the Military Police of Mato Grosso do Sul are described below according to the notices published in 2018. Check out:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,352.53
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 7,089.13

How much does a Military Police officer make in Minas Gerais?

Published in 2016 and 2017, the latest public notices of the Military Police of Minas Gerais have the following values ​​as starting salaries:

  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 5,769.43
  • Soldier - BRL 3,278.74

How much does a military police officer earn in Pará?

In Pará, according to the notices published by the Military Police in 2016, the starting salaries are as follows.

  • Soldier - BRL 2,836.80
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 1,005.71
  • 2nd Lieutenant – BRL 5,599.24

How much does a Military Police officer make in Paraíba?

The Military Police of Paraíba published notices in 2017 (official) and soldier (2018). According to the document, the initial salaries for the PM of the state are as follows:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,202.60
  • Aspiring Official – BRL 4,760.19
  • 2nd Lieutenant – BRL 5,867.62

How much does a military police officer earn in Paraná?

The Paraná Military Police last opened public notices in 2018, for the career of an officer, and in 2012 for a soldier. Taking these documents into account, the initial remuneration for the Military Police of Paraná are described below.

  • Soldier - BRL 3,225.99
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 7,069.95
  • 2nd Lieutenant – BRL 9,544.44

How much does a military police officer earn in Pernambuco?

The state published public tender notices for the Military Police in June 2018. Find out about the initial salaries expected for after the training period:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,566.28
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 8,576.58

How much does a military police officer earn in Piauí?

The Piauí Military Police starting salary values ​​below are in accordance with the latest published notices. In 2013 for officers and in 2017 for soldiers.

  • Soldier - BRL 3,100.00
  • Officer - BRL 3,897.04

How much does a military police officer earn in Rio de Janeiro?

In Rio de Janeiro, the Military Police last opened public notices in 2014 for soldiers and in 2017 for officers. See the starting salaries of the PM in the state according to these documents.

  • Soldier - BRL 2,909.50
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 5,321.22
  • 2nd Lieutenant – BRL 6,595.83

How much does a military police officer earn in Rio Grande do Norte?

The Military Police of Rio Grande do Norte published a tender notice in 2018. Even if it has been suspended, it is possible to take the initial salaries as a basis. See below for state military police salaries.

  • Soldier – BRL 2,904.00.
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 4,486.68

How much does a military police officer earn in Rio Grande do Sul?

The Military Brigade of Rio Grande do Sul announced a public notice for the Staff of Officers in 2018. As for the position of soldier, the document was published in 2017. See the predicted initial earnings.

  • Soldier - BRL 3,760.54
  • Captain - BRL 11,620.55

How much does a Military Police Officer make in Rondônia?

Both for the career of officer and soldier, the last public notices of the Military Police were published in 2014. According to them, the initial earnings of PM servers in the states are as follows:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,182.66
  • 1st Lieutenant – BRL 7,257.28

How much does a Military Police officer make in Roraima?

The state had a notice published in 2018 for soldiers and in 2013 for officers. Check the salaries offered by each of the careers.

  • Soldier - BRL 4,792.96
  • Cadet - BRL 4,113.37
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 5,001.20

How much does a Military Police officer make in Santa Catarina?

The Military Police of Santa Catarina published a notice in 2017 for officers and in 2015 for soldiers. Check the initial earnings of careers according to the latest competitions.

  • 3rd Class Soldier – BRL 4,143.87
  • Cadet - BRL 4,764.24
  • 2nd Lieutenant – BRL 12,882.69

How much does a Military Police officer make in São Paulo?

Taking as reference the public notices published in 2017, the Military Police of São Paulo has the following starting salaries.

  • Soldier - BRL 3,034.05
  • Officer - BRL 6,100.62

How much does a Military Police officer make in Sergipe?

With one of the highest initial salaries in the country, the Military Police of Sergipe published notices for both careers in 2018. Therefore, the values ​​below are in accordance with the most recent document.

  • Soldier - BRL 3,370.00
  • Aspiring Officer – BRL 9,236.39

How much does a Military Police officer make in Tocantins?

The Military Police of Tocantins published a public notice for both positions in 2018. According to him, the initial salary of those approved is as follows.

  • Soldier - BRL 4,455.46
  • Officer - BRL 8,382.10

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