In the bathroom? Never! These objects need to stay well away

The bathroom is a part of the house whose hygiene must always be up to date. A sanitation Proper cleaning of the whole house is also part of preserving our health, but the most important part is certainly the bathroom. Therefore, in order for well-being to be preserved, these objects need to be kept away from the bathroom.

The justification for such hygienic safety concerns the proliferation of bacteria in the environment, which can be the target of major contamination when they manage to reach these items. Check, then, the objects that need to be away from your bathroom.

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Objects that need to be kept away from the bathroom

Cleaning products

Avoid storing cleaning products inside the bathroom and reserve them in separate places.

Make ups

Day to day always calls for practicality for those who are going to produce, doesn't it? But certainly the best place to leave makeup is not in the bathroom. Existing bacteria on site can affect products that will be passed on sensitive areas. Look for another location in your home for optimal preservation.

Toilet paper

Give up the idea of ​​separating toilet paper to leave it in the bathroom, because it doesn't belong there. The item may also be prone to contamination.


Moisture in the bathroom can damage the product over time. It is also important to check whether it is safe to use flat irons and brushes in wet areas – which may exist in the bathroom.


It may seem like the perfect place to keep it, but in order to stay in the bathroom, it must be protected from contamination. Look for a place that is not exposed or use covers on the brushes.


Storing medicine inside bathroom cabinets may not be a good option, as the products will be ingested. It's good to avoid.


Storing towels and clothes in the bathroom is something very common, as it can also be a risk for contamination of the environment.

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