There is a wide variety of cultures around the world, which means that there are different culinary customs, which for us are a bit bizarre.
There are many different cultures around the world, and that includes cuisine. In this sense, a food that for us can be super weird, for those who live in a certain place can be very common and appetizing.
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Could you face it? meet 11 Weird Dishes Served Around the World
1 dry lizards

Asian culture is amazing. Dried lizards for example are used in soups. Although the process takes years, it is common to mix them with alcohol to extract medicinal properties.
2 Khash

Native to Armenia and Turkey, Khash is a soup that must be boiled in water for about 24 hours with pieces of beef or lamb with spices until it forms a kind of soup.
3 tuna eyes

In Japan, tuna ocular globules are widely consumed, in addition, they are very cheap, taste like squid and must be boiled and seasoned before consumption.
4 Escamole

In Mexico, ant larvae harvested from the roots of the agave plant form this delicacy. Some people call this dish “insect caviar”.
5 Hakarl

Despite being poisonous with a high concentration of uric acid, Greenland shark can be consumed after some cooking processes.
6 surstromming

Often sold in cans and considered the smelliest food in the world, Surstromming is a Swedish dish consisting of fermented Baltic herring.
7 sannakji
often the octopuses are still moving on the plate while you must eat. The chef dismembers a small octopus before your eyes and seasons it with sesame oil.
8 Rocky Mountain Oysters

This is a snack made from cattle testicles. The organs are fried after being peeled, covered in flour, pepper and salt.
9 kopi luwak

Originally from Indonesia, it is the most expensive coffee in the world, which is made from coffee beans that have been defecated by civets, small mammals native to Southeast Asia.
10 Mopane

This is a caterpillar that is usually found on mopane trees. This animal is an important source of protein for millions of people in Africa.
11 Stinkbugs (Stinkbugs)

In Indonesia, many people love to eat these bed bugs. Some say they taste like unsalted bitter sunflower seeds.