Waking up early and keeping a good mood: how to achieve it?

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Many people feel bad when they have to deal with the reality of waking up early. Including, for many, this can compromise the performance of the day.

However, when weighing the benefits, this change can promote increased productivity, in addition to contributing to maintaining mental health and improving sleep quality.

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So, even though it's a challenging transition, we'll share some practical tips below that will help you create a successful morning routine.

So, experience the pleasure of waking up earlier and start enjoying the benefits!

Establish a consistent routine

It is essential to establish a regular sleep routine to ensure a good quality of life. When we always go to sleep and wake up at the same time, our internal clock adjusts and starts to work more efficiently, which results in deeper and more restful sleep.

The best part is that waking up early is no longer a nightmare! To maintain this consistency in your sleep pattern, try setting a fixed bedtime and wake-up time each day – including weekends.

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relax before bed

Establishing a pre-sleep routine has been proven to help signal the body that it's time to rest.

Therefore, you can try relaxing activities such as taking a warm bath, reading or practicing meditation to calm your mind and prepare your body for a state of rest.

Do you know another important tip? Limit screen use 30 minutes before bed. The blue light emitted by these interferes with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.

use an alarm

Find the alarm system that's right for you and start waking up in a good mood every morning.

With so many options available, it's easy to find a system that fits your needs and preferences.

Choose from traditional audible alarms, smartphone apps or even solar alarms that mimic sunrise. Try different templates and find out which one works best for you.

Keep the room completely dark.

Turn your bedroom into a dark environment: total darkness is the key to quality sleep.

The power of darkness is vital in signaling the body that it is time to rest, promoting restful and refreshing sleep.

To ensure your peaceful night, invest in blackout curtains or wear an eye mask if you prefer.

Also, remove any electronic devices that can emit light – such as digital watches or chargers – and minimize exposure to light.

Avoid napping during the day

Don't underestimate the power of a quick daytime nap. After all, it's an excellent way to recharge your batteries.

However, if you overdo it with napping, you risk damaging the quality of your sleep at night. So it's important to limit your nap time to 20-30 minutes to ensure you stay alert and focused without compromising your night's rest.

If you're looking for alternatives to napping, consider doing light exercise or going for a walk to get some fresh air and naturally boost your energy levels.


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