Attention, citizen: see the dates of Bolsa Família payments for 2023

Auxílio Brasil, a program that replaced Bolsa Família during the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), came to an end on December 23, after making his last payment in the average amount of R$ 600. In January, with the inauguration of President-elect Lula (PT), the program will once again be called Bolsa Familia, as it became known in the country.

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Bolsa Familia replaces Auxílio Brasil in 2023

The changes don't just stick to the name, as the plot increase has also been confirmed. Regarding the calendar, the schedule will follow the same model. Transfers will be carried out during the last ten days of the month, following the final NIS number of each beneficiary.

Thus, the likely order of payments should be as shown in the list below:

  • End of NIS 1: January 18th; February 14th; March 18th; April 14th; May 18th; June 17th; July 18th; August 18th; September 19; October 18th; November 17th and December 12th.
  • End of NIS 2: January 19th; February 15th; March 21st; April 18th; May 19th; June 20th; July, 19; August 19th; September 20; October 19th; November 18th and December 13th.
  • End of NIS 3: January 20th; February 16th; March 22; April 19th; 20 of May; June 21th; July 20th; August 22; September 21st; October 20th; November 21st and December 14th.
  • End of NIS 4: January 21th; February 17th; March 23; April 20th; May 23; June 22; July 21st; August 23rd; September 22; October 21st; November 22nd and December 15th.
  • End of NIS 5: January 24th; February 18th; March 24th; April 22nd; May 24th; June 23; July, 22; August 24th; September 23th; October 24th; November 23rd and December 16th.
  • End of NIS 6: January 25th; February 21st; 25th March; April 25; may 25th; June 24th; July 25th; August 25th; September 26th; October 25; November 24th and December 19th.
  • End of NIS 7: January 26th; February 22nd; March 28th; April 26; May 26th; June 27th; July 26; August 26th; September 27th; October 26th; November 25th and December 20th.
  • End of NIS 8: January 27th; February 23rd; March 29th; April 27th; may, 27; June 28th; July 27th; August 29th; September 28th; October 27th; November 28th and December 21st.
  • End of NIS 9: January 29th; February, 24; March 30th; April 28th; May 30th; June 29th; July 28th; August 30; September 29; October 28th; November 29th and December 22nd.
  • End of NIS 0: January 31st; February 25th; March 31; April 29th; may 31st; June 30; July 29; August, 31; September 30th; October 31st; November 30th and December 23rd.

It is important to note that this is an estimate of the likely transfer dates for Bolsa Família in 2023, if the program follows the same logic as the current Auxílio Brasil.

Bolsa Família, a project created in 2004 and closed in 2021, had the approval of the 2023 Budget in Congress and will return next year. Transfers will probably average BRL 600 per month, but there is a chance that this amount will increase to a minimum of BRL 750.

With the new regulation of the program, in addition to the R$ 600 transferred to the families registered, a payment of BRL 150 per child up to 6 years of age – who are part of the family nucleus – will be made. That way, if you have a little one in a benefited family, the value rises to R$ 750. And so on, depending on the number of children at that age who are part of the group.

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