Loan Aid Brazil: These are two possible reasons that prevent you from getting

Auxílio Brasil is a program that helps many Brazilian families and, through it, the payroll loan Brazil Aid that further benefits the people who depend on the program. However, despite the ease of hiring, there are two rules that may end up preventing credit approval. Check below what these two rules are and do not pay attention to them so as not to lose the right to apply for your loan.

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The Brazil aid payroll loan is available to program beneficiaries. With it, it is possible to receive up to an average of R$2,600.00 and the installment discount can be made up to 40% of the amount received for the aid, that is, if a person receives R$400.00, up to R$160.00 will be deducted from the account.

It is worth remembering that the credit received can be paid in up to 24 installments at a rate of 3.5% per month, which generates the conclusion that the amount paid will be greater than the amount received, as well as any loan accomplished.

Through this loan, many people get out of trouble. However, not all beneficiaries of the Brazil aid are entitled to receive the credit offered by the loan. There are 3 basic rules that must be followed for the credit to be approved, among them, two are the ones that most prevent Brazilians from getting this benefit.

Rules that can be impeding when getting the loan

The first rule is related to time, because at least 3 installments received from Auxílio Brasil are required before applying for credit. That is, the minimum time required to apply for the loan is 90 days.

The second most frequent reason for impeding the request for the credit line is related to pending attendance with regard to the summons carried out by the Ministry of Citizenship, which means that those who are pending in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) do not have the right to apply for a payroll loan from Brazil Aid.

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