Drinks for the summer: Discover the easiest recipes

To do drinks for summer it may be easier than you think, because you can make good mixes even if you have few ingredients. Also, you don't need to be an expert to make a tasty drink, in fact, all it takes is a little attention and creativity. Therefore, we have separated some very practical and simple recipes, so that even beginners in the subject can make it. Check out!

Read more: Drinks with Vodka: Prepare tasty drinks with these practical recipes.

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Changria: a refreshing drink


  • 2 chopped strawberries;
  • 1 lemon cut into slices;
  • 2 leaves (or branches) of mint;
  • 200ml of green tea with lemon;
  • Ice to taste.

Method of preparation

Add the lemon and strawberries into the glass you want to use, preferably a small wide glass to help the process along. Soon after, add the tea that you should have made before and it can be from a sachet. Finally, just put the ice as you prefer, and the mint leaves to decorate and it's delicious!

Pineapple Mojito: For those who like drinks with fruits


  • 25 ml of lemon juice;
  • 50 ml of rum;
  • 1 slice of pineapple cut into cubes;
  • 1 branch of mint;
  • 2 spoons (tea) of sugar.
  • 50ml of sparkling water;
  • Ice to taste.

Method of preparation

First, set aside a tall glass to make this recipe, and then start the process with the ice cubes, mint, lemon juice and sugar. With everyone in the glass, macerate and then add the rum and mix. Finally, it's time to add the ice and sparkling water and you're done!

Kiwi Caipirinha: reinvent the classic!


  • 1 sliced ​​kiwi;
  • 2 spoons (tea) of sugar;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • Ice to taste.

Method of preparation

The preparation will be similar to that of a traditional caipirinha, so put the kiwi with the sugar in a glass and crush it. Then just add the vodka, mix and serve. Also, if you like, garnish with some kiwis.

Gin Fizz: Light and carbonated drink


  • 50 ml of gin;
  • ½ lemon juice;
  • 2 spoons (tea) of sugar;
  • 200ml of sparkling water;
  • Ice.

Method of preparation

This drink is very easy to make, as all you have to do is add the gin, juice and sugar and steep it a little. Then, fill the glass with sparkling water and serve with ice!

Malibu Watermelon Splash: Sweet watermelon drink


  • 50ml of Malibu rum (or other of your choice);
  • 50ml of watermelon juice;
  • Ice;
  • 50 ml of soda.

Method of preparation

Choose a tall glass and add the ice, rum, soda and juices. So, just mix all the ingredients well to enjoy this wonderful drink.

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