The price of sleep deprivation for your health

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Getting just a few hours of sleep every day can be a fatal habit for your health. Therefore, excessive use of energy drinks and caffeine to keep yourself in the mood will not solve all problems. This is because, in the long term, sleeping less than 6 hours a night every day will increase the chances of developing different types of diseases and even reduce life expectancy.

What sleep deprivation does to your health

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Understand why it's bad not to sleep well every night:

Serious diseases

Because sleep is responsible for also acting on the immune system, producing important defense cells, not having the hours necessary for him to work on it will increase the chances of contracting various diseases as well as inducing other problems as:

Heart problems, hormonal imbalance and metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. These are conditions that can appear over time if you don't take care of your nights sleep.

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This is because sleep deprivation increases nervous system activity excessively, raising the heart rate. In addition, sleep deprivation directly interferes with the production of hormones such as cortisol, insulin and growth hormone.

Tendency to psychological problems

Not getting enough sleep at night will also harm your brain. Thus, you will be more likely to develop psychological disorders. Some of these disorders are depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and even schizophrenia.

All this stems from the fact that sleep is also crucial for cleaning the brain of toxins that are produced throughout the day, especially on the most tiring days. In addition to acting in emotional and rational regulation, which prevents memory loss, stress and mood swings.

In the worst case, continuous sleep deprivation for a long time can also impair all brain functioning, making you more likely to develop dementia over the years.

extreme tiredness

In addition to all the problems mentioned above, not sleeping well will also affect your daily energy, which can affect any day-to-day activity.

Thus, you become less willing to solve simple questions on a college test, to perform that task at work and also to participate in physical activities that are good for health.

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