Check out the ETFs that yielded the most in 2021

ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is an acronym for passive index funds. It is a very popular market in countries like the United States and has been growing a lot in Brazil. Check now which were the ETFs that yielded the most in 2021 and plan to invest in 2022.

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By comparison, in 2020 the number of investors in this branch, in Brazil, was 121 thousand individuals; already in November 2021 there were 493 thousand, i.e. considerable and accelerated growth.

The most popular ETF among Brazilians is the B3, an index referring to the shares of the stock exchange (Ibovespa). However, there are alternatives with fixed income, for example, the basket with National Treasury bonds from Itaú, these bonds are pegged to inflation.

ETFs and Cryptocurrencies

Investments in cryptocurrencies have also been growing progressively. Some of the most popular are bitcoin and ether, in addition, they were the most profitable in 2021 among investment options. ETFs available to Brazilians, followed by S&P 500 funds, the main stock exchange index American.

ETFs with the best returns of 2021

According to the survey by QR Asset Manegement, a manager focused on cryptoassets, QBTC11 ranked first on the list. It is the first bitcoin ETF in Latin America, it recorded a 75.65% return and was launched recently, in June. Second place went to QETH11, launched in August, it is the pioneering ethereum ETF in Latin America. Check the list of the top ten according to QR Asset.

In short, there is a growth trend for funds with cryptocurrency and sector indices, however, regarding the former, attention is required due to their volatility in the market, in order to avoid losses.

Another point you should pay attention to is the fees. Therefore, research well beforehand to decide which fund is best for your investments!

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