Phases of children's drawing

O design It is a very effective form of communication since the dawn of humanity. Also, it's how children begin to express themselves. This makes this artistic representation mark the growth of the individual.

From the moment the child learns to memorize the things around him and recognize objects, his drawings develop. These go from doodles to more realistic representations.

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The development of fine motor skills also contributes to the maturation of children's drawings. This is because drawings require more precise movements and with this development, the skills of the small muscles in the hands and forearms increase.

Children's drawing has some classifications. Discover now the stages of children's drawing.

1. jumbled squiggles jumbled squiggles

This phase begins at approximately 2 years of age. The child is not yet mature enough to understand what he is drawing and it does not always have some meaning. She doesn't control her movements.

2. Ordered DoodlesOrdered Doodles

This phase begins at approximately 3 years of age. The scribbles start to be a little more orderly and the coordination improves a little. Even to hold a pencil she has more firmness. But still without naming the shapes.

3. failed realismFailed Realism

At this stage, the child already knows what he wants to draw, even if it is not so easy to identify through his doodles. She already knows how to name the drawings and elaborates them according to what they really want to draw.

4. Pre-Schematic InternshipPre-Schematic

At this stage, children are usually between 4 and 7 years old. The drawings become better known. Children at this stage have the habit of drawing their family or even themselves.

In addition, the drawings become more organized and the colors appear. Some, according to reality, some not. This depends on each child.

5. Realism PhaseRealism

At this stage, the child seeks to be as faithful as possible to reality. This usually happens from 8 to 12 years old and a third dimension begins to emerge in drawing. Your coordination improves and consequently your ability to draw.

See too: Individual student report in early childhood education

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