Copy of RG and CPF: find out how to withdraw it for free

Commonly known as RG, an acronym that comes from General Registry, this document is one of the main forms of identification, since it contains information such as your full name, parents' names, date of birth, among other data. In addition to it, other documents such as CPF and birth certificate also have relevant personal information.

Therefore, in case of loss, theft or theft, it is very important to remove a new document to keep it at hand. To obtain this information, learn how to get a duplicate of your RG, CPF and other documents for free.

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How can I request a duplicate of the documents for free?

RG's duplicate

In this case, you can go to three locations: Poupatempo, the Public Security Secretariat or the Civil Police. You must be aware of the documents required to apply for issuance. Are they:

  • 2 recent 3×4 photos;
  • original birth certificate or simple copy;
  • original marriage certificate or simple copy (if married);
  • original police report or simple copy (in case of theft or theft);
  • Original CPF or proof of registration with the Federal Revenue Service;
  • Original Citizen Card (if you want the number to appear on the new RG, which can be replaced by PIS or Pasep).

There may be a fee for renewing the document, and this tends to vary from region to region. However, if you obtain an Occurrence Bulletin, it will not be necessary to pay the fee.

Second copy of the CPF

For this type of document, in case of theft or loss, it is necessary to access the Federal Revenue website. Once this is done, fill in the data correctly and then the proof of issue will be displayed. The duplicate can be picked up at a notary or delivered by the Post Office.

Second copy of the Birth Certificate

To request the second copy of the birth certificate, just go to a notary and provide all the requested documentation. Once done, just wait. In these cases, taxation is made depending on the state and city.

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