Check out the list of the most beloved animals in Brazil

Everyone has a favorite pet, but do you know which animal is most chosen to be a pet for most Brazilians? Keep reading and check out our list of the most beloved animals in Brazil.

list of favorite pets

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When it comes to your favorite animal, opinions are divided. There are people who like cats more, others more dogs, there are also those who raise fish, birds and other non-conventional animals. Therefore, see below the list of animals beloved by Brazilians, based on data from the Brazilian Association of the Industry of Pet Products (Abinpet), from 2021.

  • dogs

The most popular pet is definitely the dog. Well known for its loyalty, the furry is preferred in Brazilian homes. There are about 55.9 million in the country. That is: Approximately 1 dog for every 4 Brazilians.

Throughout history, dogs are cited several times in various parts of the planet. In addition to having several cinematographic representations. Dogs are definitely very important to humans, no wonder they are considered man's best friend.

  • birds

This fact may be surprising, but yes, birds are the second most chosen domestic animals in Brazil. There are about 40.4 million birds in the country and the most common are parrots, parakeets and cockatiels.

These animals are very sociable beings and can be the ideal option for those who spend many hours away from home, since these animals do not require very elaborate care. Furthermore, birds are very easy to raise and cost less than dogs.

  • Cats

Cats are the fastest growing domestic animals in the country. Today, they add up to a population of 25.6 million. There was a lot of prejudice against cats, but today, there are several people who gave these animals a chance to show that they are very loving and loyal.

In addition to being super independent animals, cats can be very clean and hygienic, help us at bedtime, reduce allergies and still cheer us up on sad days.

  • Fish

Being the 4th largest population of domestic pets in the country, there are about 19.9 million fish spread across Brazil. Widely used as ornamental animals, fish are the passion of those who love having a piece of the sea or river at home. In addition to being super quiet and easy to create, fitting into the routine of thousands of people with flying colors.

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