Why isn't showering while having a storm a good thing?

According to scientists, people should not shower during a storm, as this can have serious consequences. When you're having a storm, it's common for you to hear the noise of thunder and understand that when there's thunder, there's lightning too. And that could be a danger sign, which you shouldn't let go unnoticed. As you read on, you can better understand the reason for this. Follow along.

Read more: Did you know? Taking a shower at night is good for your health.

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Relationship of the bath with the storm

The chances of being struck by lightning are very low, but we must remember that these chances exist and there are things that can increase it, so we must always try to reduce these risks and always try to keep ourselves safe. According to experts, there are situations that should be avoided when there is a very strong, such as: washing dishes, talking on landline phones, taking a shower, and being under trees and near windows.

This is because, typically, surfaces that are more conductive (like metals) are more likely to be hit during a thunderstorm. Therefore, the path most recommended by scientists is: When you hear thunder, stay indoors, avoid going out and practice habits like those mentioned above that can increase the danger of something happening.

Other recommendations

Also, things like metal wires or the water in plumbing provide a convenient conductive path for electricity to travel to the ground. What further increases the danger of those who decide to take a shower during a storm, as the shower offers both water and metal, which makes it a great conductor and an ideal path for electricity.

Therefore, to prevent your relaxing bath from becoming something extremely bad, avoid doing everything mentioned above, as well as stop using any device plugged into an electrical outlet, be it a computer, television, or washing machine, all of which can also provide conductivity for lightning.

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