Cyclamen: the colorful flowers of winter, see how to take care of them

Cyclamen is a plant that captivates everyone who sees it, especially in winter, where it is responsible for beautiful flowers with vibrant colors.

The decoration of a garden in winter has all its attention focused on Cyclamen. But cared for the right way, it can last all seasons.

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Continue in this article to learn how to care for Cyclamen and much more about it.

Cyclamen and its history

Despite having many popular names, Cyclamen is not the only one in its family, namely Cyclamen Graecum and Cyclamen Persicum.

Despite having different names, the Cyclamen species have the same treatment and care.

Many believe that this plant has Greek origins, but it was exported all over the world, making it easy to find in almost all continents.

Main features

Cyclamen is a type of creeping and low plant, reaching 20 cm in height and tends to spread in bushes.

Due to its small size, it tends to benefit more in pots than in flowerbeds or large gardens.

As mentioned, Cyclamen is a species that tends to bloom in winter, producing beautiful flowers, but with proper maintenance it can adapt to any season.

how to care

Cyclamen is well known for being easy to grow. Therefore, there is no secret about its treatment.

To have a great development, you must pay attention to the solar incidence, Cyclame is a kind of half shade, which likes cool environments.
Therefore, it is indicated to leave it near windows or on balconies without direct access to sunlight.

About watering, it should be constant, but not leaving the soil too wet to the point of soaking, the roots could end up rotting.

During colder seasons, watering can be reduced to 2 times a week. In warmer weather, watering has to be done every 2 days.

Another fundamental point is that the most indicated watering is in the morning and after sunset, when the weather is cooler.

Water the plant directly in its substrate and not over the leaves and flowers, thus avoiding fungal problems.

It is worth mentioning that although beautiful Cyclamen is poisonous! So be careful with your pets.

So, now that you know how to take care of Cyclame, how about separating all the necessary materials and starting the care?

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