See how to apply for the Brazil Aid

Auxílio Brasil is one of the most important benefits for citizens in vulnerable situations. Through it, more than 18 million Brazilians use the payment to supplement their income.

According to the Federal Government, the program can receive even more beneficiaries, but they need to register to receive the aid. See below how to perform the process.

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Who is entitled to the Brazil Aid?

Basically, to receive the benefit, the citizen must live in extreme poverty, with an income of R$ 105.00 per person in the family nucleus. In addition, people living in poverty also have the right, but must have an income between BRL 105.00 and BRL 210.00 per person and have at least one minor or pregnant woman in the family.

What are the benefits of Auxílio Brasil?

Payments are directed to different modalities. In this way, with each one having a specific objective, they can serve to support the student's academic life, inclusion in the job market and even scientific research:

  • Extreme Poverty Overcoming Benefit: Aimed at young people between 18 and 21 years old, with payments of R$ 65.00;
  • Early Childhood Benefit: Destined for families with children up to 3 years old, with payments of R$ 130.00;
  • School Sports Aid: Students between the ages of 12 and 17 who stand out in sports competitions at schools receive a monthly installment of R$1,000 or R$100;
  • Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship: Benefit intended for students with good performance in academic competitions. Similar to the scholarship for school sports, students can receive a single installment of R$1,000 or 12 installments of R$100 per month.

How to apply for Aid Brazil?

The registration process is very simple and must be done through the Social Assistance Center of each municipality. There, the citizen responsible for the family must present the CPF or Voter Title, while the other members of the family nucleus can bring one of the following documents: identity card, marriage certificate, birth certificate, work card or title of Voter.

Finally, a very detailed evaluation will be made of all declared data, comparing them with other information bases. If approved, but any irregularity is found, your benefit may be blocked.

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