IT developers have the highest job rejection rate

A mapping survey carried out by the company Intera showed that 35.46% of job offers made in December 2021 were not accepted by candidates. This survey was carried out with approximately 900 people throughout Brazil who participated in approximately 500 selection processes in more than 150 companies. The professionals with the highest dropouts are developers, with a rate greater than 61%.

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For seniors, less hired professionals, about 59% of job proposals are offered and more than 40% of them are turned down. Junior professionals, on the other hand, account for around 81.8% of hirings and 18.2% of rejecting offers. In full-level positions, 74.9% accept hiring and 25.1% refuse.

One of the main reasons for refusals is that the job where they are currently working offers a better counter offer, and thus candidates choose to remain in the company where they are already working. This reason was pointed out by about 36.7% of the interviewed candidates. Another justification, given by 26.3% of respondents, was to have their approval in another selection process that would make more sense for them at the time.

The survey data also show that, for 18.72% of the candidates, the proposed salary was below what they were expecting, while personal problems represent about 10.96% of the refusals. Benefits that do not call attention got 5.94% and the lack of that something extra in the company that generated a purpose for them got 2.28%. “One thing that was very clear is the breakdown of the candidate's expectations for not having something defined in the company from which the hiring proposal came in relation to the financial proposal in the offer", informed Felipe Beranger, responsible for the study.

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