Quick pizza with only 3 ingredients: Learn how to make it!

A pizza always goes well at any time. At the end of the party, at dinner, at a meeting with friends or at a family gathering. That's because pizza is a dish that pleases everyone and is super practical.

Some restaurants sell tasty pizzas, but it's not always that we can afford the value of a pizza. Thinking about it, how about making your meeting with friends tastier with a pizza prepared by yourself? Follow the article and learn this practical recipe.

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the history of pizza

The history of pizza is fantastic! Traces of pizza-like dishes are found since Neolithic times. However, it was in Naples that the first pizzas appeared in the 1600s.

The slices were sold for people to eat while walking. In this way, some lifestyle habits began to change among the Italians. A few centuries later, pizza arrived in American territory, with the opening of the first pizzeria in the United States in 1905.

In Brazilian lands, pizza arrived in 1910, in the neighborhood of Brás, in São Paulo. Its unmistakable taste takes on great proportions and today it is already part of the menu of many people.

practical recipe

Pizza can be made from many recipes, from the super practical to the most elaborate. See the recipe below:


  • 1 cup of wheat flour tea with yeast;
  • 1 pot of 100g of natural yogurt;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.


Mix all the ingredients until you form a homogeneous mass and let it rest for about 50 min. Then pour the dough into a form of pizza already lined with wheat flour. Make a few holes to avoid creating bubbles and place in a preheated oven at 200º C.

After roasting, add the sauce and season to taste. This recipe is super practical and serves to prepare pizzas with different flavors, including sweet versions. So, add the ingredients of your choice, enjoy and abuse your creativity!

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