Canine massage therapy: Learn how to massage your puppy!

Everyone deserves a moment of pleasure and relaxation, right? And having moments of rest is essential for health, especially the brain.

Our pets are no different and also need to rest from time to time! Therefore, dog massage is a great alternative to bring peace of mind to your little friend.

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With several benefits, massaging your dog promotes improvements in muscle and brain health, as well as causing well-being and relaxation. Want to know how to massage dogs? Then keep reading! We separate everything about it here, check it out!

Benefits of massage in dogs

Firstly, it's important to inform you that in addition to being a pleasant moment, massage is a way to stimulate your puppy's body health! This area of ​​veterinary medicine is known as massage therapy in dogs.

It is necessary to be a certified professional to give massages, however some caresses already help your dog to relax. Check out some benefits of this practice below.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety: Our pets can also suffer from emotional problems! Massage helps them to calm down and causes stress levels to decrease;
  • Prevents diseases: By massaging the dog, we are stimulating its circulation and releasing tense muscles. Therefore, this action can prevent diseases such as arthritis, for example;
  • Promotes canine well-being: By reducing stress and stimulating circulation, blood pressure is regulated, improving overall health, generating well-being in your pet.
  • Improves the affective bond between pet and tutor: Cuddling moments improve your relationship with your puppy, so we believe this is the best part of practicing massage!

The benefits can explain why the practice of dog massage (or canine massage therapy) is being so sought after lately. To learn how to perform relaxing massages on dogs, then keep reading!

ways to massage dogs

Back massage

Carrying out massages on the back of the animal is very important. By doing this action, you will be able to relax the pet's spine, an important place for support and movement.

  • Lay the dog on its side or belly to the ground, according to which it feels more comfortable;
  • First of all, start the massage by caressing the back, from the head to the tail;
  • When your pet is receptive to caresses, start making circular movements with your fingers, massaging the spine;
  • Perform smooth and delicate movements without using force;
  • If the dog is comfortable, rest your thumbs on the spine, one on each side. Then make a straight movement following the spine, from head to tail, applying light pressure,
  • However, if your little friend doesn't like some movement, stop the massage.

foot massage

The leg and paw massage is also a great way to reassure your furry friend! This action stimulates circulation and is highly recommended for elderly dogs or dogs with movement difficulties.

  • Lay your dog on its side so that its legs and paws are easy to handle;
  • First, massage the leg muscles lightly. Start at the beginning of the legs and work your way down to the paws, applying light pressure with your fingers;
  • Make light movements on the paws. Try moving your fingers up and down gently,
  • Finally, if the dog allows it, make movements with the whole leg. Start slowly rotating and then slightly flex the leg and then relax.

facial massage

Face massage can also be very relaxing for pets! However, this type of caress is only recommended if your dog is already used to massage. It's worth remembering that the eyes, ears and nose are sensitive, so be careful when performing the movements!

  • The massage can be done with the dog lying down or sitting down;
  • Hold your pet's face, resting your hands on its cheeks. Depending on the size of the pet, the massage should only be done with the fingertips;
  • Start by making circular movements, massaging the cheek region;
  • Support your thumbs at the base of the ears and make circular movements, applying light pressure;
  • Place your fingers between the dog's eyes and down to its nose, massaging its muzzle,
  • Finally, support your thumbs on the underside of the pet's chin and make circular movements.

These types of massage described above will definitely help your puppy relax! However, if you want a more complete treatment, seek follow-up from a certified professional.

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