IR 2023: INSS released access to the statement extract

The extract for the 2023 Individual Income Tax declaration for beneficiaries of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) is available. At the document, contains the income report of beneficiaries, pensioners or retirees for the past year.

Beneficiaries who had an annual income greater than BRL 28,559.70 in 2022 must declare the IR, since this is an obligation for those who have an income greater than the value to provide accounts to the tax. This year, the statements will be made from March 15 to May 31, according to the Federal Revenue calendar.

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How to access the INSS extract?

To access, the beneficiary will have three options:

  • INSS agencies: contacting them in person to request the statement;
  • In the Meu INSS app: available for Android and iOS devices, free of charge. To access, just inform the login and password already registered in Find the tab “What do you need?” and then click on “Income Tax Statement”.
  • At the “My INSS” website

The declarations must be made within the deadline stipulated by the agency. If you miss the deadline to declare, the citizen must pay a fine to regularize the situation. In short, the statement can be requested at INSS agencies, but the document can be purchased online through the channels mentioned above.

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