These 3 signs are closest to the father and mother, points out astrology

Proximity to parents varies greatly according to personality of each one, but it is worth mentioning that this also suffers a certain interference from the stars. Some people have such a strong bond with their parents that it's inexplicable. Depending on your relationship with your loved ones, your life decisions will suffer some influences and may be strengthened or modified.

Check out which signs are closest to the father and mother.

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Sagittarius people, during growth, look for others to guide their path, that is, they look for a mentor to advise them. For the most part, they end up finding that pillar of support in their own parents to guide them in their construction, so they create an even stronger bond with them than with any other.

Sagittarians tend to do a lot of activities with their parents, which further strengthens the bond. In a relationship, for example, the person who is with someone from this astrological house must know how to win over the in-laws very well.


With a more relaxed way of being, the Virgo trusts his father and mother consistently in childhood, something that for others would only happen when they grew up and became independent. During adult life, parents actively participate in Virgo's life decisions, as they are his biggest supporters and influencers.

It's no wonder that the loss of these two is something that marks you in a way that you can't get over.


For some people, seeing him on the list is a surprise, as Aquarians are generally not attached precisely because they are an air sign, but when it comes to their parents… the story changes. They occupy a significant space in that individual's heart. Of course, we are not always talking about an easy relationship, as some find themselves in very troubled interactions with their father or mother, which influences their emotional state. Especially when it comes to loving commitment or showing feelings.

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