National Congress can add up to 3 new holidays for 2023

The Ministry of Economy, in early 2022, released the calendar of holidays nationals where there were nine mandatory dates and five optional dates. In 2023, that number may increase. Three more mandatory pauses may be on the way, as bills are in the process of being discussed in the Federal Senate. Anyway, start programming your rest! Check now what are the possible new holidays of 2023.

Read more: Schedule your rest: see the complete list of national holidays in 2023

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Three more days off

Since some dates are mandatory and others are optional, the calendar of national holidays is always subject to changes of some kind. What is currently being discussed in the National Congress is the possibility of promoting three commemorative holidays.

Through bills (PLS), parliamentarians send proposals. They undergo approval by the Federal Senate, later by the Chamber of Deputies until they reach the President of the Republic.

If the bills are approved, not only the year 2023 will be contemplated with the new dates, but also the later ones. Check now which are the commemorative dates that may become mandatory holidays soon!

Woman's Day

Many people think that Women's Day is a holiday, but so far it is not.

Being a celebration that always takes place on the eighth day of March, it is a milestone to celebrate the rights won by women during the 20th century. The bill that suggests that the date becomes a holiday belongs to deputy Hélio Leite (DEM / PA).

Indigenous Peoples Day

PLS 960/2022, by Deputy Fábio Trad (PSD/MS), proposes making April 19 a national holiday. The reason is to show the importance of indigenous peoples born and raised in Brazil, thus promoting their culture.

Black conscience day

Although it is already a holiday in some states, this day is an optional date. Celebrated on November 20th, the celebration was created to represent the pride of culture black people and the fight against racism. PLS 487/2017, authored by Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede/AP), is being processed by the Federal Senate and justifies the holiday as a way of recognizing the struggle of the black population of Brazil.

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