Years after her murder, Benigna is blessed by the Pope

Benigna Cardoso da Silva, in 13 years, becameif emblemof the catholics at theCeará after defend yourself from sexual abuse in Santana do Cariri, at 523 km in Strength. For having withstood the onslaught, the girl he was brutallymurdered with machete blows in october in 1941. So the story from Benigna becameif popular, It is sheacquired devotees in the whole state as a martyr.

Afterinyour demise, The youngit started to be reveredIt isrecognizedin the regionfrom Cariri as symbolinresistanceto the femicide and à violence sexual against children It is teenagers. Therefore, the Vatican made it official last Monday, 24, the young Benigna as the first blessed of Ceará, and also the fourth martyr of Brazil. A permission he was granted for the pope Francis in 2019.

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A little more about Benigna

According to the reports

of people who livedtogetherin benign, she he wasa young common, without vanity, intelligent and with a lot faith in God.

"She if related well with all, it was gentle, very polite, no wore in swear words and took care of himself responsibly with studies. in it, stood out to simplicity and prudence. His fame of sanctity and martyrdom é fair”, says Raimundo Alves Feitosa, 98 years old, who lived with the young woman. He was one of the witnesses who testified in favor of beatification to the Vatican.

Benigna was born on October 15, 1928, on the Oiti farm, in Santana do Cariri. The process in canonization of the young it started in 2013, when the Diocese of Crato it received of Vatican O Nihil Obstat”, or it is, O Anything prevents” for what Thesearchby the titleinblessed couldto start.

The ceremony had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 outbreak, as the original date was scheduled for the year 2020.

Pilgrimages and commemorations in his name

More than 80 years later, the suffering from Benigna to be continuedbeinga mark important for the catholics Of region.the municipality from Santana do Cariri, where she livedperallTheyourlife,performsoneprocessioninyourhomageallmonthinOctober,It ishe mustto attractfivetimesmorevisitorsofwhatthe populationlocal.

The boys and girls usually dress in red clothes with white polka dots, Benigna's signature outfit, as it was what she was wearing when she was murdered.

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