Study suggests cats can memorize the names of their “friends”

Did you know that the pussies Are they able to recognize their names and those of other individuals? Despite ignoring their owners when they are called, this does not mean that they are not listening or understanding. In fact, some studies indicate that Cats can memorize their friends' names, similar to abilities commonly seen in dogs.

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According to a 2019 article published in the journal Scientific Reports, a team of researchers Japanese discovered that cats can identify their names in the middle of a series of words pronounced. Recently, new research indicates that this recognition may extend to the domestic cat's other feline companions.

How was the research done?

The researchers tested 48 domestic cats on the names of the other cats they lived with. Of those, twenty-nine of the cats were residents of Japanese cat cafes (coffee shops where customers can interact with the kittens) while the other 19 came from private homes that housed three or more cats each.

For each of the participants, the researchers played audio recordings of the cat owner calling the name of another familiar cat several times in a row. After the fourth call, on a laptop monitor, the participating cats were shown. In two of the four trials, the image showed the face of the cat the owner had called, while in the others the image showed the face of a cohabiting cat different from the one the owner had called.

The results were surprising, as cats from private homes often looked at the monitor longer when the image of the feline other than what it was called appeared. So it was possible to see that they had their expectations broken and were trying to deal with the fact that the names and faces of their friends did not converge.

On the other hand, the coffee cats did not pay much attention to the monitor when cats other than expected appeared. This is because they are less familiar with each other than domestic cats.

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