Learn how to block stolen cell phone Pix

An initiative created by the Central Bank, Pix became the main form of payment of all time in the country. With it, you can pay and transfer money at any time and to any bank, without any extra fees. In the fourth quarter of last year alone, Pix accounted for 20.61% of total transactions carried out in Brazil. However, its popularity has made problems in cases of cell phone theft intensified.

Read more: Learn how to block Pix in cases of theft of your cell phone

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What to do in cases of cell phone theft?

As soon as your cell phone is stolen, it is recommended that the victim contact the bank immediately to ask for the application and transfers to be blocked. To do this, just search for telephone numbers listed on the internet or through other financial institution channels.

Then change passwords for applications that may contain information. It is also important to block the telephone line. To do this, just contact your mobile operator.

If you want complete blocking, it is necessary to have the IMEI number. With this, it is possible to block the entire cell phone and be a little calmer in the face of the situation.

Special Return Mechanism

Since Pix came into operation, some changes have already been made. One of them is the possibility of returning the money received in case of an error, however, this method can only be used by those who received the amount.

In addition to this, there is a function called Special Return Mechanism, organized especially for cases where there is theft or something proven to be illegal. Thus, in cases where there has been some fraud, the Central Bank recommends that the financial institutions involved analyze the situations and agree on the best option for the Special Return Mechanism.

With that, as soon as it identifies any suspicion, the Central Bank allows the service to be activated. In addition, in cases of coup, the bank advises that the police report be immediately carried out.

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