Payment of another Emergency Aid this month is approved

One more benefit of Emergency Aid must be paid to Brazilians. The text was approved in the Chamber of Deputies and the maximum value can reach R$ 3 thousand in December.

The payment of another installment of the aid was approved by the Joint Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. R$ 3.8 billion should be released to the federal government this year.

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Another Emergency Aid

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, R$ 2.8 billion will be allocated for the payment of an additional installment of Emergency Aid for single parents. That's because last year, only women who are single mothers were contemplated with the extra installment.

Payment relates to the beginning of the program, in the year 2020. Thus, 940,000 Brazilian parents should receive an extra R$ 3,000. The total amount concerns the first five installments of Emergency Aid.

In principle, parents who do not receive the Auxílio Brasil have priority in receiving the extra portion of the Emergency Aid. That is, the focus in the round of payments this time is for single parents, who bear the household expenses alone.

For this reason, to make the payment possible, the federal government is still trying to release more resources for the aid, in an attempt to be able to pay another installment. Meanwhile, low-income Brazilians are waiting for new definitions regarding payment.

If it succeeds, more than R$ 2.8 billion will be released to the government for another portion of the benefit. Despite this expectation, little has been said about the payment of another installment.

This is because priority is given to the approval of the Precatorios PEC to raise more resources capable of benefiting the most needy through the Auxílio Brasil program, a substitute for the Bolsa Família.

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