The WhatsApp application innovated by bringing the temporary photo tool, an image sent that is not saved and can be viewed only once. However, before the recent update, it was possible for the person receiving the message to take a screenshot and thus save a temporary photo.
Now, with the new functionality, this problem will be solved, blocking the print when playing temporary images, guaranteeing the integrity and security of the user.
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New WhatsApp function will prevent temporary photos from being “printed”
The newest app update Whatsapp comes to solve a privacy and security problem. This problem arose with the temporary photo function, which allows you to send an image that can only be played once by the person receiving it.
However, it was quite simple to circumvent the temporary factor, as it was enough to take a screenshot and the temporary image would be saved on the device, going against the final proposal of the tool. Obviously, this generated several problems regarding the security and privacy of users, who had intimate data or photos leaked without permission.
To address this issue, WhatsApp has released a new feature. This new update had already been announced in August of that same year, along with the feature of withdrawing the “online” status. The new feature will prevent the user who receives a temporary photo from taking a screenshot while the photo is being taken. open, which will bring more security to users and ensure that the photos are, in fact, temporary.
The new update should arrive for iOS versions and android of WhatsApp in December of this year. Therefore, if this was an aspect that worried you, know that now everything will be safer. Pay attention to notice when the function will be active.