Learn how to increase your income by sending referring apps

One of the biggest challenges for the Brazilian population is how to earn extra money to supplement their income. During the pandemic caused by Covid-19, this feeling became even more present among young people and adults. Therefore, some applications began to emerge as an excellent option to earn money without having to leave the house. So check out some apps to earn money referring them to friends.

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How to earn money referring apps to friends?

A new fad has emerged among users of some apps over the last couple of years. Thus, as a way to increase the income of several people, developers offer a certain amount of money in exchange for “advertising” users to their friends.

With that said, it's worth remembering that not all apps that offer this actually do so, so one of the big problems with this new modality is that many are fake. So, check out which apps you can trust to refer your friends and actually receive money to supplement your income.

1. AgZero

The first app on our list is AgZero. It works like a digital bank, in which you can receive a bonus that turns into money when you refer friends. Thus, the user first needs to create a registration on the platform and complete some missions made available by AgZero.

In this sense, for every 10 indications of the application to friends, you receive a cash amount that can earn up to R$100 for customers.

2. meliuz

Méliuz is a digital platform that offers customers several discounts in thousands of Brazilian stores for free. In addition, it is possible to receive an amount back in your bank account when making purchases.

Therefore, the indication can yield up to R$ 20 per person. For this, in addition to registering, the friend must also make a purchase through the application.

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