Bill provides for free license renewal

A renewal of driver's license it is always a problem for some low-income drivers who do not have sufficient financial conditions to carry out the process in the necessary period. Others, for various reasons, end up breaking the law and driving irregularly for a long period.

Faced with this, parliamentarians met to propose a bill which aims to approve the release of CNH renewal payment for some drivers. What did you think of this idea? Follow the text to learn more.

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How to get your CNH for free in 2023?

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The bill in question

The mentioned bill, signed by senator Randolph Rodrigues, proposes that some drivers may be exempt payment of the National Driver's License renewal fee.

Faced with the moment of economic crisis experienced in the country, the senator's proposal can be of great value to app drivers, bus drivers and taxi drivers. According to the published text, everyone who proves driving a vehicle will be included.

Thus, if the exemption is requested, drivers must prove that they have worked 20 hours a week with a vehicle over a period of six months.

It is worth remembering that the PL has not yet been definitively approved, but it is estimated that it may be sanctioned by the end of this year.

Is your wallet expiring? Check out the renovation step by step

  • First step is to login to the website. and access the “Simplified Renewal” page in “Online Services”, at the top of the home page;
  • Then, confirm the data on the screen and choose the dates and times for the medical and psychotechnical test (recalling that the latter is only necessary for drivers who work remunerated);
  • The medical exam fee is R$96 and the Detran SP fee, plus the cost of sending it by mail, is R$107. DMV SP fees must be paid at one of the accredited banks and registered by the driver's CPF;
  • If you want to check the status of your request, just consult the online service “Follow-up of the simplified CNH renewal process”;
  • Finally, with the renewed CNH approved, the person responsible must download the “Carteira Digital de Trânsito” application. When the payment for the CNH is cleared, the driver will receive a digital code via SMS or registered email, and will then be able to activate the document via cell phone.

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