5 tips that will make your relationship last

Nowadays, when you look at the situation of relationships with others, it is very common to be afraid to enter a relationship or to start avoiding being in one. This ends up happening because of the number of betrayals and separations that is so high that it often really ends up scaring. However, in this article, we are going to talk about some tips for you to have a relationship lasting and be able to avoid complicated or uncomfortable situations.

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Tips for a lasting relationship

1. Stay together

Today, with the number of devices electronics and social media that exist, it is increasingly common for couples to arrange to meet and, at that meeting, are separated by these distractions. Therefore, it is of great importance that, in these important moments for the couple, both leave the devices aside and just be present with love and companionship, it creates a much deeper and lasting connection between you.

2. share vulnerabilities

You recognize that there really is love in the relationship when your partner knows everything about you, including your vulnerabilities. From that, things like trust, respect, kindness and affection will grow within your relationship. When you let the other person know your vulnerable self, you allow them to know the real you, not the facade.

3. Fight for the love of the relationship

Fighting in the right way for the love in the relationship is something that makes your relationship even healthier and increases the intimacy between you. Let your partner know everything that hurts you and everything you are willing or unwilling to do in the relationship, so you will be able to build a good relationship for both of you.

4. Go after shared dreams

A shared dream inspires both growth and expansion in your relationship. In addition, you will be in the same direction behind a common dream.

5. Surprise your partner

A surprise gives much more life to a relationship, because, from them, unforgettable and totally unexpected moments are created. Therefore, a very good tip is to make several surprises for your partner, this will make your relationship healthy and happy.

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