New RG becomes mandatory: see how to make the document

Brazil has been going through a process of renewal of the models of documents to enter international standardization. Thus, one of those that received a new version was the General Registry. This current model will be the only one accepted from March 2023. So, see here how to request a new RG and not have any problems.

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What has changed in the new RG

The main reason behind the renewal of the General Registry model is to include Brazil in the international standard of documents. In this way, the Identity Card model becomes compatible with several others around the world. Leaving that aside, see some benefits and exclusives of this version:

  • Unification of the number. Now the CPF number is used and the old RG is dispensed with;
  • Digital version. This authenticated copy is valid throughout Brazil and uses a QR Code system for inspection;
  • There is a possibility to enter additional information such as social name, blood type and information regarding organ donation.

The document now has new expiration dates, depending on the age of the citizen. People up to 11 years old will be able to keep their ID for up to five years. Anyone aged between 12 and 59 will have ten years to upgrade. Those over 60 are insured with a document with an indefinite validity.

How to make the new RG

It is still acceptable to use the old model, but this changes from March 2023, when the new version becomes really official. Brazilians should provide it as soon as possible.

To do this, the person needs to go to a point at the Department of Public Security of the state in which he or she resides and present a birth certificate or marriage certificate. The entire process of updating and making this new document will be done and, once the physical ID is in hand, there will be the possibility of activating the digital version.

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