Can the gas voucher change according to the number of members in the family?

Starting next month, there will be a significant change in the national value of gas voucher. After the approval of the Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) “Kamizake”, the value of the benefit increased for the equivalent of a complete 13-kilogram cylinder, instead of 50% of the average price, as it was previously. However, some people have doubts about possible changes in the value of the social program depending on the number of members in the family. So if you want to know more about the changes in gas allowance, just continue reading this article.

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Better understand the change in the value of the gas voucher

The new rule for the benefit of distributing the full value of the traditional gas cylinder will be in effect until December of this year and applies to all approximately 5.5 million families served by the program. Taking into account the current national average price of the product, it is expected that the next payments will be around R$ 120.

Value of the gas voucher according to the number of members in the family

An old demand of the opposition to the Government is to adjust the value of the program subsidy to the number of members of the beneficiary family. Those who support the idea argue that it is unfair to offer the same amount to a house with two members as to one with seven.

Despite the allegation, the wording of the PEC does not provide for such distinctions. Regardless of the number of members in the family unit, all those approved continue to receive the same benefit every two months.

According to the rules of the initiative, the payment is granted to families registered in CadÚnico who earn up to a monthly minimum wage (R$ 606). In addition, beneficiaries of the BPC (Continued Provision Benefit) are entitled to transfers. The payment dates will be the same as for the Auxílio Brasil, usually in the last ten working days of each month. The order is followed according to the final NIS (Social Identification Number) of the approved document.

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