Big Bang that gave rise to the universe may not be unique

Everyone has certainly heard of the big Bang, responsible for the initial stage of the development of the universe, which had a hot and dense surface. And to our surprise, the theory is that the Big Bang that most of us know about may not have been the only one. Keep reading to learn more about this.

Did more than one Big Bang occur?

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The expansion of the cosmos in the version of one more Big Bang can be detected with the aid of experiments to detect possible gravitational movements. It is still not possible to say with certainty that there was more than one Big Bang, but researchers have positive expectations.

Scientists call this phenomenon the Dark Big Bang, as opposed to the Hot Big Bang, the famous one known for the origin of matter and the universe. The second, Dark, consists of the formation of dark matter, and possibly radiation, at the same time or after the Hot.

The research had as its starting point the curiosity of scientists to understand the formation of dark matter, which today occupies a large part of the mass available in the cosmos.

Likewise, the scientists' theory is that the same phenomenon responsible for the formation of radiation and particles also gave rise to dark matter.

And if the subject related to dark matter until then was not of much interest to some people in the community science, today presents a totally different trajectory, with the study of Katherine Freese and Martin Wolfgang Winkler.

For them, dark matter had a separate development path from that of normal matter.

Thus, while studies of the traditional phenomenon do not need to change, new knowledge about the formation of dark matter gains ground by a separate path.

As benefits of the new scientific discovery are the possibility of comparing phenomena, such as estimating when the Dark Big Bang occurred. For them, the universe was not even a month old when dark matter formed.

Similarly, gravitational waves were also detected by researchers and may be in action even after the billions of years that followed after the Big Bang.

Today, they use pulse timing matrices to be able to detect the presence of gravitational waves.

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