New installment of Gas Aid is confirmed; See when it will be released

Auxílio Gás is a benefit created by the government with the aim of helping low-income people to buy gas every two months, since, with the increase in fuel, the price of cylinders suffered from the rise in inflation. The last installment was released in April, the next one, therefore, will be in June. Its value is equivalent to 50% of the average price of the gas cylinder. Want to know about the dates? Follow the article and learn more!

Read too: Is it possible for the Brazil Aid to increase its value?

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Gas aid and its rules

More than 5 million families benefit from the gas allowance. In the last month it was released, the amount paid was R$51, equivalent to half the average value of the canister across the country.

In the month of June, however, there is doubt about the value, since, in these last months, the value of the cylinder reached its highest value since the year 2001, starting to cost around R $ 135. An amount of R$15 above aid.

To receive the aid, families must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and the income per person must be around R$606, half the minimum wage. In addition, families that receive the Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC) are also benefited.

Gas aid calendar

The value of the Gas Aid for June has not yet been disclosed, but given the significant increase in the last months of the cylinder, it is expected to have a value above R$ 51. It starts to be paid from the 17th, according to the final NIS number of each citizen.

June Gas Aid Calendar

  • June 17: Final issue of NIS 1
  • June 20: Final issue of NIS 2
  • June 21: Final issue of NIS 3
  • June 22: Final issue of NIS 4
  • June 23: Final issue of NIS 5
  • June 24: Final issue of NIS 6
  • June 27: Final issue of NIS 7
  • June 28: Final issue of NIS 8
  • June 29: Final issue of NIS 9
  • June 30: Final issue of NIS 0.

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